How would Atlantans pay for Beltline rail?
Walter Brown Walter Brown

How would Atlantans pay for Beltline rail?

You’d have to raid a lot of public kitties to build $3 billion worth of Beltline rail. A funding plan proposed by rail boosters would drag much of that money away from bike lanes, affordable housing and other transit projects.

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When $230 million becomes $2.5 billion
Walter Brown Walter Brown

When $230 million becomes $2.5 billion

The $230 million Streetcar Extension East, which includes the first phase of the Beltline streetcar, is enveloped in controversy. That’s just the tip of the dollar-berg

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A desire named streetcar
Walter Brown Walter Brown

A desire named streetcar

Most Atlantans agree that we need a greener, more equitable, more connected city. But, over the last two decades, Beltline streetcar advocates have poured their aspirations into a single project — at the expense of others.

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Dickens clarifies Beltline rail stand
Walter Brown Walter Brown

Dickens clarifies Beltline rail stand

Mayor Andre Dickens insisted last week that he’d like to see the Beltline streetcar built. But he also warned that the 22-mile rail loop might not be affordable. Check out the mayor’s most extensive comments yet on the controversial rail project.

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