Pedaling at windmills

By Walter Brown

This is Walter Brown’s third and final post on BAT’s first Netherlands Micromobility Tour. The first post was about the role micromobility can play in Atlanta. The second was on the Micromobility Europe conference in Amsterdam.

On a breezy Friday morning in Amsterdam, four Atlanta mobility enthusiasts were still riding high.

Ed Andrews, Jim Durrett, Jeff Rader and I were attendees on Better Atlanta Transit’s inaugural pilgramage of the most bike-centric country in Europe — also known as “the old country” on my mom’s side of the family.

It had been loads of fun sampling new rides at Micromobility Europe and interacting with experts, entrepreneurs and government officials. Now, came the even funner part — pedaling south through the Dutch countryside.

Check out Walter’s takeways from the Better Atlanta’s Netherlands trip.

Still we had a schedule to keep. As part of our itinerary, I’d lined up briefings with bicycle and mobility leaders in two other Dutch cities.

Here’s a look in pictures and words of our journey to Utrecht and Rotterdam — along with eight takeaways that may be of interest to the micromobility curious Atlantans. Just click and roll over each photo for the rest of the story.

Please note: A Squarespace glitch is preventing the captions to these photos from showing up on some smartphones. We’re looking for a workaround. Meanwhile, please check out this feature on your PC.


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